What is Cloudflare and how does it work?
Partnering with Cloudflare
In collaboration with our partner Cloudflare, Inc we are happy to offer FREE Cloudflare, a performance and security solution that protects and accelerates over 6,000,000 websites around the world.
As a Cloudflare Certified Partner, we’re providing all of our valued customers the ability to enable Cloudflare’s free plan across their websites. Once your website joins the Cloudflare network, you’ll notice considerable performance gains and protection against a range of online threats.
We’re delighted to offer this great service which helps keep both our servers and your website faster, safer, and more reliable.
is not just about moving static files closer to visitors, it is also about ensuring that every page renders as fast and efficiently as possible from whatever device a visitor is surfing from. Cloudflare users can choose any combination of these Internet property content optimization features that take performance to the next level.
What is Cloudflare and how does it work?
Mitigate DDoS Attacks
Protect applications, websites, and APIs from malicious traffic targeting network and application layers, to maintain availability and performance, while containing operating costs.
Prevent Data Breach
Prevent attackers from compromising sensitive customer data, such as user credentials, credit card information, and other personally identifiable information.
Block Bot Abuse
Block abusive bots from damaging Internet properties through content scraping, fraudulent checkout, and account takeover.
Integrated Security
Cloudflare removes the need to sacrifice performance for security. Low-latency security services integrated with traffic acceleration.
Website Optimizations
Cloudflare includes a suite of web optimizations to improve the performance of Internet assets. Optimizations include the latest web standards, as well as proprietary enhancements for images and mobile device visitors.
Rate Limiting
Rate Limiting protects critical resources by providing fine-grained control to block or qualify visitors with suspicious request rates.
Built-In DNS Security
Cloudflare DNS is DDoS protection for domain resolution. It sits behind the same 10Tbps network that protects over 6 million Internet properties from denial-of-service attacks.
DNS Analytics
Gain valuable insight into DNS traffic on domain-by-domain or specific DNS record basis. Filter and visualize data through variety of metrics, such as query count and average response time.